Microsoft has now pushed Windows 10 Build 14361 to Insiders in Fast Ring and you can read about the full official changelog by clicking here. The build comes with its own share of know issues and you can read the known issues before taking the dive.

Windows 10 Build 14361 Known Issues:

  • If you have a French Windows 10 Insider Preview build installed on your PC, you will not receive Build 14361. There is an issue with the French translation process in this build that would revert a lot of text that was used to be shown in French back to English. So we have chosen not to release this build to Insiders whose base build is French. If your base build is not French and you have a French Language Pack installed – you will still be able to install the new French language pack on top of this build, but this issue will also impact you.
  • Text prediction using the Japanese IME will freeze your PC. To avoid this issue and continue using the Japanese IME, we recommend turning off text prediction. You can do this by right-clicking IME mode icon “A” or “あ” in systray and selecting “Properties”, clicking “Advanced”, and navigate to the “Predictive Input” tab and check off “Use predictive input system”. You can turn on prediction feature again by checking it on.
  • Navigating to the Privacy pages in Settings app will crash the Settings app and prevent you from adjusting your privacy settings. Your privacy settings already set will remain intact after updating to this build. If this is a blocker for you, you can move to the Slow ring until this bug is fixed or be sure to set your privacy settings before updating to this build.
  • If you click on a file download link, it will open a tab and close it without doing anything in Microsoft Edge. The workaround is to go to the Download pane and start the download there by clicking “Save” or “Save As”.
  • For certain languages, such as Chinese or Portuguese (Brazil), you will not be able to launch Start while an app is installing.